What is reflux?


Gastric reflux, also called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), is a condition where the stomach's contents (food or liquid) rise up from the stomach into the oesophagus, a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Food mixed with the stomach's digestive acids can irritate and damage the oesophagus.

What causes GORD?

Normally, the stomach's contents are retained in the stomach with the help of the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle that contracts and relaxes to maintain the one way movement of food. However, gastric reflux occurs when the LES weakens. The exact cause of this is not known, however, certain factors including obesity, smoking, pregnancy and possibly alcohol, may contribute to GORD. Common foods such as spicy foods, onions, chocolates, caffeine- containing drinks, mint flavourings, tomato-based foods, citrus fruits and certain medications can worsen gastric reflux.

Do you experience symptoms?

Heartburn is usually the main symptom of GORD, characterised by a burning-type pain in the lower part of the mid-chest, behind the breast bone. Other symptoms include a bitter or sour taste in the mouth, trouble swallowing, nausea, dry cough or wheezing, regurgitation of food (bringing food back up into the mouth), hoarseness or change in voice and chest pain.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment aims at reducing reflux, relieving symptoms and preventing damage to the oesophagus. Some of the treatment options include:

  • Antacids : over-the-counter medicines that provide temporary relief to heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing acid in the stomach
  • Other medications PPI or H2 antagonists : reduce the production of acid in the stomach
  • Laparoscopic or Robotic keyhole fundoplication : is a surgical procedure in which the upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the end of your oesophagus and oesophageal sphincter, where it is sutured into place. This surgery strengthens the sphincter and helps prevent stomach acid and food from flowing back into the oesophagus. This can be performed laparoscopically or robotically via keyhole incisions and can remove the need for medication. This can be performed as day only surgery.

For Appointments

60 Lindsay Street, Hamilton NSW 2303

Phone : (02) 4927 1101(02) 4927 1101 | Fax : (02) 4927 1102
Email :


Lingard Private Hospital
23 Merewether Street,
Merewether NSW 2291, Australia
Phone : (02) 4927 1101(02) 4927 1101
Fax : (02) 4927 1102
Newcastle Private Hospital
14 Lookout Road
New Lambton Heights NSW 2305
Phone : (02) 4927 1101(02) 4927 1101
Fax : (02) 4927 1102